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Relocation contribution

Students who have completed their Bachelor outside the Netherlands and want to move to the Netherlands for their Master and the MasterPlus programme can -under certain conditions- apply for a relocation contribution (up to €2000,-). Don’t wait too long as each university only has a limited number of contributions! If you wish to apply for this, you must do this before 1 July 2025.

You are eligible if:

  • You are accepted at one of the three participating universities for a relevant master’s degree, such as Applied Physics or Electrical Engineering.
  • You have applied for the MasterPlus Optics & Photonics Programme at one of these universities.
  • You currently live abroad (outside the Netherlands) and you will move for this MasterPlus Programme to the Netherlands.

Selection will be made based on the following criteria:

  • Academic excellence.
  • Commitment to the Masterplus special programme (including courses, selected activities, you are expected to complete the master).
  • Motivation letter.

Application process

The application for the relocation contribution should be done via the university of your choice after you are accepted for the master degree.

You can send your application for the contribution to the university where you applied, including:

  • The relocation contribution form (provided by your university)
  • Motivation letter indicating:
    • Why you are joining the Masterplus Programme.
    • What you expect you can to contribute to the Optics & Photonics community from your experience and background.
    • Copy of the admission letter you received.
    • The BSc diploma (or a certificate with exams and grades) from your university.
    • Your curriculum vitae.

The university will assess your application for the relocation contribution and confirm whether you have been selected. You will receive the contribution ultimately in the fourth month after start of the MasterPlus Programme.